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International webinar: Fostering Creativity in the Classroom: Teaching Creatively and Teaching for Creativity
22 oktober, 2024 @ 16:30 - 17:45
Dit schooljaar zal het Kenniscentrum Hoogbegaafdheid een aantal webinars organiseren met internationale experts. Daarmee willen we jullie de kans bieden om kennis te maken met nieuwe inzichten.Het eerste webinar wordt gegeven door Denise S. Fleith.
Over het webinar
Creativity has been considered an essential 21st century learning skill. To become adept at developing new knowledge and finding effective solutions to problems, students need to learn to ask questions, think divergently, deal with contradictory ideas, and have an open mindset. Therefore, how can schools prepare students to appreciate different perspectives and interact respectfully with peers? The purpose of this webinar is (a) to discuss how teachers can identify creativity in the classroom and the circumstances that encourage it, (b) to examine strategies and practices that effectively foster students’ creativity, and (c) to reflect on learners’ thinking and behaviors that could be associated with creativity.
Over de spreker
Denise S. Fleith, PhD, is a professor in the Institute of Psychology at University of Brasilia; a researcher at the National Council for the Development of Science and Technology in Brazil; a member of the scientific and educational board of the Brazilian Network of Science for Education; and a founder member of the Brazilian Council for Giftedness. She was the vice-president and president of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children. Her research interests are creativity development in the educational setting, creativity measurement, socio-emotional development of the gifted, and family of gifted children. Dr. Fleith has published over 150 books, chapters and articles in the fields of talent development, creativity, and educational psychology.