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International webinar: A developmental perspective on giftedness: The Talent Development in Achievement Domains (TAD) Framework

15 mei @ 19:00 - 20:00

In het schooljaar 2024-2025 organiseert het Kenniscentrum Hoogbegaafdheid bijna elke maand een international webinar. Tijdens die webinars is Engels de voertaal. Deze webinars zijn bedoeld voor educatieve professionals en zorg- en hulpverleners die beschikken over een brede kennisbasis met betrekking tot hoogbegaafdheid, maar niet over de mogelijkheid beschikken om deel te nemen aan internationale in-person activiteiten zoals grote internationale congressen. Op 15 mei 2025 geeft Franzis Precke het webinar ‘A developmental perspective on giftedness: The Talent Development in Achievement Domains (TAD) Framework’.

Over het webinar

Giftedness can be described as a person’s potential to develop above-average performance in certain domains. But what is this potential? How does it develop? What is the role of abilities, personality traits or acquired psychosocial skills? These and other central questions for understanding potential and its development are discussed by integrating different views from research on giftedness, expertise and talent development within the Talent Development in Achievement Domains (TAD) framework. The TAD framework is a general framework for talent development that can be applied to a wide range of achievement domains. It distinguishes four levels of talent development (aptitude, competence, expertise, transformational achievement), specifies level-dependent predictors and indicators of talent development, and outlines internal processes that lead to interest and success in a domain. In my presentation, I will introduce the TAD framework and present its practical implications for assessing and developing potential.

Over de gastspreker

Franzis Preckel is a Professor of Giftedness Research and Education at the Department of Psychology, University of Trier. She earned her doctorate from the University of Münster and was Director of the Counselling Center for the Gifted and Talented at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Since 2006, she is full professor of Giftedness Research and Education at the University of Trier. Her research interests encompass psychological assessment, intelligence, giftedness, and talent development. Franzis Preckel has published her research in top ranked journals including Psychological Bulletin or Perspectives on Psychological Science. She is author of the first German textbook about Giftedness and Talent, which was also translated to English. In 2017, she received the path breaker award of the AERA special interest group on Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent. In 2023, she received the International Award for Research of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children.


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15 mei
19:00 - 20:00
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